Have you experienced something unpleasant? Is there something bothering you? Or are you not feeling like your best self? Then let’s talk about it!

There are 24 trained students who serve as your confidential peer supporter (used to be Confidential Contact Person). Whether big or small, they are there to listen and help redirect you to the available support.

Student life at the TU/e can sometimes feel like a roller-coaster of experiences – we know! Sometimes you are loving it, and everything is going well, and other times you feel lost and don’t know how to make it better. Through these highs and lows we want to encourage you to talk about it. We are your peer listeners and can help you figure out what the best next steps are and who to contact for support.

Whether you just want to chat, want help in contacting a professional, or would like some help with understanding what you can do, we are here. We will listen and support you in taking the necessary next steps. And it goes without saying that whatever you share will remain completely confidential. So chose a contact person that you think you will vibe with best and let’s talk about it!

More information and a video about CPSers can be found on the education guide.

Within Van der Waals, the following students are trained as Confidential Peer Support:

Nuriye van Lamoen

“Already five years ago, I joined van der Waals and with that, I joined a whole new world called student life. I was eager to make the best out of it! But balancing everything turned out to be a huge challenge.

Is it normal to feel stressed and anxious about a midterm?

Can I have fun at an N-party without alcohol?

Do I have to end a friendship that sometimes feels toxic?

I learned that it is completely normal to get stuck, and when you are, it could be valuable to seek help. It may be as simple as talking to a friend or calling your mum. However, if you feel it could be helpful to talk to someone more ‘external’, someone who understands the support structure of the TU/e and will keep the conversation confidential, I am happy to reflect with you on anything you are stuck with.”

Contact Nuriye

Casper Pieck

“I am in my third year of the Applied Physics bachelor and I am pretty active in many different associations, mainly VDWaals, Nayade, Quadrivium and La Tuna. The work-life balance required for this is something I’m very mindful of. In my alone-time, I’m mostly busy listening to or making music or playing games. I also like to have deep conversations that switch to stupid ones and vice versa.

As for Applied Physics; I chose to take it a bit slower and do two courses per period, and it was one of the best choices I have ever made. If you can afford it, I would advise you to take it slower and spend more time on friends and relaxing. Push yourself to be the best you can, but be content with what you have achieved already.”

Contact Casper